Subject of a grand jury investigation...

Boston, MAThe Massachusetts Republican Party today issued the following statement as part of on ongoing effort to expose Rep. Paul Kujawski’s failed record on Beacon Hill.

MassGOP Communications Director Barney Keller said, “The people of the 8th Worcester District should have to wake up and see ‘federal grand jury investigation’ next to the name of their State Representative. The voters deserve a State Representative they can be proud of, and Paul Kujawski has proven to be nothing but an embarrassment to his district.”

The Kujawski Files – Was The Subject of a Grand Jury Investigation

Subject of a Federal Grand Jury for taking bribes: “A federal grand jury sitting in Worcester has apparently focused on allegations that veteran state Rep. Paul Kujawski, D-Webster, solicited money from local business owners in exchange for political favors, sources close to the investigation say. The money, usually in amounts ranging from $1,000 to $3,000, was not reported as personal income or as campaign contributions, according to the sources. At least three Webster-area business owners are known to have testified before the grand jury, which has been pursuing its investigation for past six months, and others have received subpoenas to testify. The panel is seated for two years, and it is unclear when the investigation will end or whether it will result in indictments of Mr. Kujawski or others.”(Telegram and Gazette, 11/20/05)

Accused of repeatedly claiming he could “Use his position to obtain special treatment: “The Telegram & Gazette has examined two subpoenas, both of which refer to transactions or communications between the witnesses and Mr. Kujawski. Extensive interviews with people close to the investigation suggest a pattern of Mr. Kujawski using or claiming to be able to use his position to obtain special treatment. According to at least one allegation reported to the FBI, the lawmaker kept money he owed a business owner, implying it was a campaign contribution. Another business owner who was interviewed by the FBI claimed Mr. Kujawski offered preferential treatment in exchange for money… In an interview, that person, a Webster businessman, said he expects to tell the grand jury about how Mr. Kujawski allegedly reneged on paying a handful of large bills totaling thousands of dollars, and that the charges in question are related to the legislator's campaign fundraising. The subpoena issued to this witness requests that he produce records of transactions with Mr. Kujawski. The businessman has handed over his personal computer to the FBI agent. (Telegram and Gazette, 11/20/05)

Was accused of “Shaking people down to get money.”: Another source who has seen the subpoenas served to three other local businessmen who have testified said witnesses provided canceled checks, ledger entries, calendars and other documentary evidence bearing Mr. Kujawski's name. The items were requested to back up allegations that Mr. Kujawski was "shaking people down to get money," the source said. After receiving the payments, Mr. Kujawski allegedly did not report the income and debts as gifts or campaign contributions, the source said. (Telegram and Gazette, 11/20/05)

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